iProcureNet asked the respondents of the 2022 online survey to share from their experience which best practices are the most enabling factors for a successful JCBPP. The respondents were asked to rate each suggestions: 5 being very important to 1 being not very important to the success of the JCBPP project.
The most critical suggestions mentioned directly in the answers to the survey include:
- Preparation is key: it is necessary to ensure that all the buyers have the exact needs and share a common objective
- As part of the preparation phase, the legal issues of the other member state with whom we procure should be identified and discussed within the consortium
- The market should be informed of the envisaged project which can be done conducting a preliminary market consultation before launching the tender
- A thorough full procurement strategy should be developed based on the preparation phase
- The approvals of budgets before the contract announcing and financial approval of the tender result must be coordinated
Lessons learned from the 2023 survey – in the survey, respondents were asked to share from their experience which best practices are the most enabling factors for a successful JCBPP. They were asked to rate each suggestion, from 5 to 1, from most important to less relevant. Here are the results:
- The key element for success: the communication with stakeholders and ensuring that the business case is well defined from the start (clear requirements including the needs of all participating institutions)
- Strong legal competences from the lead procurer
- Good communication
- Good coordination: from the preparation phase, between the EU Member States involved.
Joint Cross-Border Public Procurement (JCBPP)
JCBPP and IP in the Security Sector
Joint Cross-Border Public Procurement (JCBPP)
Innovation Procurement (IP)
How to: Guide for JCBPP & IP
Ethics in procurement