When to use it
When the public sector uses its purchasing power to act as early adopter of innovative solutions which are not yet available on large scale commercial basis and can include conformance testing.
When contracting authorities act as a launch customers of creative goods or services which are not yet available on a large-scale
The solution is near to the market or already on the market in small quantity but does not meet public sector requirements for large scale deployment
No R&D involved
Key features
PPI can use any existing procurement procedure that does not include the procurement of R&D
PPI are part of public procurement tenders because they are done according to the rules stated in Directive 2014/24/EU and with EU Remedies Directive
Public procurer announces the intention to buy a critical mass of innovative solutions to trigger industry to bring products on the market with desired quality/price ratio within a specific time through Prior Information Notice
Open market consultations and events to know the buyers helps the call for tenders
After verification, testing and/or certification, the CA buys a significant volume of innovative solutions
 For the cases when the solution still needs substantial R&D, PCP followed by PPI could be contemplated
Module 1 – European Assistance for Innovation Procurement (eafip.eu)
How to: Guide for JCBPP & IP
JCBPP and IP in the Security Sector
Joint Cross-Border Public Procurement (JCBPP)
Innovation Procurement (IP)
How to: Guide for JCBPP & IP
Ethics in procurement