We are excited to announce iProcureNet is organising a public webinar on Innovation Partnerships.
When: Thursday 29 October, 12-1:15pm CET
Where: online
Who: anyone interested in public and innovation procurement
How much: it’s free!
The uptake of the innovation partnerships procedure by public authorities has been rather limited to date. In this webinar session, iProcureNet brings three prestigious contributors including speakers having direct experience of Innovation Partnerships:
Carmen Matei, Policy Officer at DG GROW, European Commission
Claire Gamage, Senior Associate at Bird & Bird, Specialist in Procurement and State aid law
Thomas Schuhmacher, HoD at the German Meteorological Service (DWD)
The session will be facilitated by Gaynor Whyles from JERA Consulting.
Sign up here: https://bit.ly/3j9JtpF
The connection link will be sent to registered participants on the day before the webinar.