iProcureNet Topical Groups

The iProcureNet Community is structured around Topical Groups, all dealing with security in Europe.
If your activity is in link with security or public procurement feel free to join the network .
As a Community member you can join any group that interests you to take part in the discussions, be invited to events and access topical resources to enlarge your knowledge and offer you new perspectives.
Click below to learn more about our Network+Community, or keep reading to discover our five Topical Groups: Procurers, Legal Advisors, Ethics, Border and External Security, Disaster Resilient Societies

Procurement Group

The procurement group is specially designed for public buyers, procurement professionals, prescribers from Member State institutions such as Ministries of Interior, or other security practitioners from international organisations, such as NATO or OSCE. The group monitors procurement practices to build together better knowledge and guidance, by procurers for procurers.

iprocurenet procurement vests

The French Ministry of Interior leads the Procurement Group.

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Laws and Regulations Group

This group is primarily for legal professionals who support procurers or are involved in the procurement process. In order to overcome the difficulties caused by the transposition of the European directives, as well as by the varying national regulations and standards, iProcureNet connects with the legal advisors of the relevant procurement organisations. Creating a dialogue among the experts and being able to find assistance when needed, this group facilitates achieving the common objectives within the community and thus the overall European joint cross-border procurement.

The University of Tartu leads the Laws and Regulations Group.

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Suppliers and Innovators group

One crucial link within the public procurement supply chain is the supplier of products and innovation. Without a forum for dialogue between suppliers, prescribers and procurers, effective collaboration to meet the need of end-users is difficult to achieve. The Suppliers and Innovators group of the Network and Community provides a common forum to discuss and find together the products, services and solutions effectively needed by the people on the field. This is also a place where suppliers can learn more about success factors when responding to call for tenders.

The Ministry of Interior of the Slovak Republic leads the Suppliers and Innovators group.

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Ethics, Sustainability and Policy Group

The Ethics, Sustainability and Policy group aims to ensure more responsible, honest and transparent public procurement practices, to provide best guidance to procurers and open discussion on the necessary actions to enhance the integrity of their own organisations.

The French Ministry of Interior leads the Ethics, Sustainability and Policy Group.

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Border and External Security Group

Border and External Security is at the core of safety and security of the European Union. The aim of this group is to find together and implement appropriate solutions and a platform for action in this area.
As countries face common challenges and needs to improve infrastructure and responses to evolving threats, this group will allow its members to react in real time to particular problems, such as but not
limited to border management, cross-border crimes, human smuggling, migration and rescue at sea.

The Estonian Police and Border Guard Board leads the Border and External Security Group.

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Disaster Resilient Societies Group

The scope of the Disaster Resilient Societies (DRS) group is to get together prescribers from all EU countries. This group focuses on the impact and EU’s preparedness for crisis or extraordinary events resulting from natural forces related to climate change, man-made accidents, catastrophes. This live group reacts to particular problems in real time. Nowadays, disasters such as the increasing number of extreme dry and large fires as well as storms, wind shrinking, snow calamities and floods are more common. Solving such disasters requires deployment of large capacities not only in terms of human resources, but also technical, technological and others, often on an international collaborative level.

The International Security and Emergency Management Institute (ISEMI) leads the Disaster Resilient Societies Group.

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Fight Against Crime and Terrorism

The threat of terrorism, as well as serious and organised criminal activities, is at its highest within the EU. Hence, it is of the utmost importance to step-up efforts to fight these activities by identifying the proper investigative solutions, equipment, and practices to cut-off sources of funding and support effective law enforcement against these organisations/individuals at both the national and European levels. The objective of the Fight Against Crime and Terrorism group is to provide Institutions specialised in this area with policy and technical advice on how to procure both COTS and innovative solutions, as well as how to implement them from a policy perspective.

The French Ministry of Interior leads the Fight Against Crime and Terrorism group.

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