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iProcureNet, that is also a lively community of experts from practitioners‘ organisations, industry and academia, policy makers or engaged citizens – involved or interested in the procurement of security innovation.

The community can connect, be informed, engage and collaborate with other stakeholders through the iProcureNet Online Platform (iPOP).

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Joining the Community

The Community of experts consists of experts and stakeholders in the procurement of security solutions from procurement agencies and departments, from academia, industry, policy and civil society.


As a member of the Community, you represent yourself as an individual.

Joining the Network

The Network of organisations consists of procurement organisations and departments active in the acquisition of security solutions in each iProcureNet member state and beyond.


As a member of the Network, you are the representative of your organisation.

Two options to join:

Your country already has an IPNC

Contact your IPNC (see list here) giving background on your motivation and profile.

Your country does not have an IPNC yet

Contact, giving background on your motivation and profile.

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