2nd iProcureNet Advanced Security Procurement Conference
21-22 June 2022
Influential innovation procurement for security in Europe
An event in Lisbon and online over two days to discover the iProcureNet results in the wider context of security services of the future.
Hosted by the Portuguese Criminal Police in Lisbon, the topic for our iProcureNet 2022 Annual Conference is “Influential Innovation Procurement for Security in Europe”.
Direct influence is key: from the definition of security needs to the realisation of mutualisation projects with other Member States, influential innovation procurement will shape the security market of tomorrow in Europe.
With opening talks from the Portuguese Criminal Police, the Portuguese Secretary of State of Justice, the European Research Agency and the French Ministry of Interior, the conference will discuss, a variety of key topics – from innovation at the heart of security forces, influencing innovation uptake through PCP/PPI, standards in public procurement, value engineering in public procurement and more.
You will also have the chance to discover the iProcureNet Toolbox – by procurers for procurers – the iProcureNet Network+Community, and the iProcureNet methodology for joint cross border public procurement and procurement of innovation.
We are honoured to also count in our programme the participation of Europol, ENLETS, BroadGNSS, SHUTTLE, DanSENSE, EAFIP / Corvers and more.
Programme (times are UCT+1 Lisbon, London)
Day 1 – 21 June 2022 – The increasing challenges for the security market in Europe
9.30 - Welcome
Luis Neves, Portuguese Criminal Police Director
9.50 - Introduction
Davide Brizzolara, European Research Executive Agency (REA.C2 – Secure society)
10.00 - Introduction to iProcureNet
Jorge Garzon, French Ministry of Interior / iProcureNet Project Coordinator
10.20 - The iProcureNet Toolbox
Filomena Vieira, Portuguese Criminal Police
11.30 - Influencing the innovation uptake through PCP/PPI
Expert roundtable with:
- Sophia Berkani and Elini Lianou, SHUTTLE Project
- Marie-Christine Bonnamour, BroadGNSS Project (download presentation)
- Sigute Stankeviciute, NAAS Project (download presentation)
- Mari Ann Simovart, University of Tartu
- Jorge Garzon, French Ministry of Interior
12.30 - The iProcureNet Network+Community
Zoia Ansarimehr, French Ministry of Interior
14.00 - WP3 Feasibility analysis and recommendations
Hannes Jarvine, Police and Border Guard Board Estonia
14.30 - Challenges for National Standardisation Bodies and public authorities in referencing standards in public procurement
Soren Jensen, DanSense
15.30 - Value engineering in public procurement
Ana Lucia Jaramillo, EAFIP / Corvers procurement services
Day 2 – 22 June 2022 – Towards the concretisation of innovative solutions for security forces
9.30 - Welcome
Jorge Garzon, French Ministry of Interior / iProcureNet Project Coordinator
9.45 - Europol Iinovation Lab and the perspective of its Member States
Luisa Proenca, European Clearing Board for Innovation / Deputy Director of Portuguese Criminal Police
11.15 - WP2 Identifying Needs & Opportunities for Joint Security Procurement approaches, challenges and current findings
Nikolai Stoianov, Bulgarian Defence Institute
11.45 - Market engagement insights from iProcureNet
Jozef Kubinec, Ministry of Interior of the Slovak Republic
13.30 - iProcureNet and ENLETS' Technology Interest Group Procurement: built on common achievements?
ENLETS representative
14.00 - Opening pathways to PPI
Open debate with:
- Isabel Rosa, Ministry of Defense (ex-DG GROW)
- Filomena Vieira, Public Procurement Legal Expert from Portuguese Criminal Police
- Joao Simao, Portuguese Criminal Police IT director
- UAVision Aeronautics
- Quantico Solutions
- Truewind
- Jorge Garzon, French Ministry of Interior / iProcureNet Project Coordinator
- Jozef Kubinec, Ministry of Interior of the Slovak Republic
Participating projects, institutions and organisations:
Registrations are mandatory for both online and in-person attendance!