JCBPP In Practice > Examples and benchmark cases

iProcureNet identified and examined 7 cases of JCBPP:

  Examples of PCP:

  Examples of Public procurement tenders/sector

Sectors of successful JCBPP

Good practices and obstacles that had to be overcome are from different sectors. The question is if suggestions, e.g. from the health sector, can be applied to the security sector.

These are generally applicable, independently of the sector, because the procurement process does not change with each sector. One reason is that the suggestions of good practices are to some extent focusing on the questions of coordination of different subjects coming from other members states.

In the 3rd survey, 4 examples of JCBPP were identified:

  • In the security sector: BROADGNSS and iProcureSecurity PCP
  • In health sector: Healthy Ageing – Public Procurement of Innovations (HAPPI)
  • Economic and financial affairs, and IT sector: Various JCBPP done by Eurosystem Procurement Coordination Office (EPCO)

The suggestions collected from the surveys can be handy for contracting authorities who wish to coordinate their purchases with contracting authorities from other EU Member States.

JCBPP has the potential to become a more widely used instrument, not only in the security sector, but in all sectors, and it is identified as a strategic tool for strengthening the European Single Market. It allows to:

  • Promote capacity building among contracting authorities
  • Advance social and environmental goals

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