JCBPP and IP in the Security Sector

JCBPP and IP of security solutions:

    • Leeds to more efficient solutions
    • Optimises cost-effectiveness
    • Enables to find common answers to common challenges
    • Encourage the purchasing of innovation
    • Replace the current fragmented security market by a common European market
    • Better management contract risks between CAs
    • Open a route-to-market for new players and SMEs
    • Promotes large market players bringing products to market
    • Relevance of scientific and research centers that bring their knowledge and results to market

European Commission, “Assessment Report on the performance of the EC funded projects in the security field according to the EC Guidance Notice on Innovation Procurement”


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JCBPP and IP in the Security Sector

Joint Cross-Border Public Procurement (JCBPP)

Innovation Procurement (IP)

How to: Guide for JCBPP & IP

Ethics in procurement

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